
Take This Opportunity to Improve Your Online Presence

As small business owners, we’re all struggling right now. The impact of COVID-19 has now reached every business in every country. Whatever your size or industry, we’re all feeling the effects of increasing social distancing measures, travel bans and forced closures.

The financial impacts of coronavirus will be huge, not to mention the health, emotional and mental strain on you and your staff. While you may be overwhelmed with worry right now, there are things that you can do to make the most of the quiet period ahead.

Think of your to-do list. You know, the one you never get to, the one that includes updating your website, creating new content and analysing your social media posts. As we enter a quieter period, it’s time to spring clean your business and finally tick those tasks off that list.

Approaching the downturn with purpose will actually help you in a few ways. First, it’ll tick those things off your list. Second, it’ll keep you going and give you direction. Third, and most importantly, it’ll strengthen your business and might just help you survive this crisis.

While we ride out this downturn together, why not make the most of the situation by taking the opportunity to improve your online presence?

6 Ways to Improve Your Online Presence Over the Coming Months

Update Your Website

Start by reviewing your website and plan how you’ll optimise and update it. Check each page to ensure your audience has up-to-date information at their fingertips, such as opening times, product availability and ongoing services. Make sure your homepage is current and that any links don’t lead to a dreaded 404 page. Also, take the time to review your keywords to boost SEO, rank higher in search results and improve your organic marketing.

Undertake a Content Review

Next, review the content you have on your website and on your social channels to ensure you’re covering all the bases for your audience. For your website, do a stocktake of your current pages and blog posts to see what topics you’ve already covered and whether there are any gaps that need to be filled. For social media, review your most recent posts to identify topics you could build on and look at changing things up with video, gifs and other media.

Examine Your Analytics

Before you get excited and start creating new content based on your review, take a breath and look at your analytics for your website, social media channels and email. This will indicate what content is the most effective for your target market. Google Analytics can identify popular posts and pages on your site while every email provider and social media platform offers insights via inbuilt analytics tools to help identify your most engaging content.

Create a Content Plan

Planning out content for the next quarter will help you coordinate every post and deliver consistent and more effective messaging. Work out how often you want to publish blogs and social media posts and create a spreadsheet with your ideas, including seasonal and industry-specific content. Once you’ve planned out your content, make life easier for yourself by using a planning tool like Facebook Creator Studio or Later to schedule your social media posts.

Record Video Content

Take the opportunity to record videos for content scheduling or schedule in live videos. Video is still dominating the marketing in 2020 with 87% of video marketers saying that video has increased traffic to their website. Record a tutorial, film product reviews, take your customers behind-the-scenes or provide information via a webinar. You can also share testimonials, run a Q&A session or use video to connect in a more personal way with your audience.

Embrace Online Learning

Why not spend your extra time doing an online course? There are lots of free and low-cost marketing courses covering social media, email marketing, eCommerce and SEO (Kate Toon’s Free SEO Nibbles course is a great example). You can also learn a completely new skill, such as baking or cake decorating, getting fit, or undertake a free Massive Online Course (MOOC) through a range of universities while riding out the downturn.

It’s tough right now if you’re a business owner but there are opportunities in the midst of the chaos and confusion. If you’d like to spring clean your business but need some expert advice, the team at Naked Digital is ready to help. Schedule a free 30-minute chat with Desiree to discover how we could help your business get through the coming months.

Schedule a free 30-minute discovery call with us to learn more

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