When starting a business, one of the things you might be considering is whether you really need a website. In this digital age, where almost everyone has an online presence, not having a website for your business may be costing you clients and business, and may ultimately affect your bottom line.
There are two things your business owns online: your website and your email list/customer database. All other platforms like social media could be taken off you without warning. Plus, it’s getting increasingly difficult to be seen on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, whereas your website, if built well, will always be working for you instead of against you, 24/7. All online marketing activities should be directing leads to your website which should then convince and convert them into customers.
Shows Professionalism
Creating a business website allows you to expose your branding and company details, giving a potential client the impression of professionalism. A business with a website is going to be more likely to convert the customer than one that does not have a website. Your website is a platform where you can showcase your products or services, introduce your team, share the business back story and ethos, and provide another method of contacting you.
Increased Exposure
Having a website for your business means you are increasing your chances of being seen by potential customers. When a customer types your business genre, or any keyword related to your business, you are more likely to appear in their search results. Keywords can be entered in the back end of your site in a process called Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), and also with skilled copywriting (the words within your pages). Being online, having a website that is easy to navigate with clear contact details will help bring potential customers to you.
Increased Value
When your business owns a website, your value within the industry increases and promotes your goods or services. When you are out meeting new people and they ask for your business details, you are able to provide them with not only your phone and email but also your website details. This shows your position and professionalism.
Constant Contact
Your business will move forward every hour of every day. You do not need to be actively online at all times, but having that constant presence means your business will continue to reach people, provide them with your information and even conduct sales – all while you are sleeping. If you install an email opt-in function, your business can collect email addresses of potential customers, allowing you to keep in contact with them in future by providing them with offers and information in the future.
Showcasing Your Products and Services
The simplest reason to have a website is to showcase your business’ products or services. Most people will search online before they step foot out the door and they do this at any time of the day or night, not just during business hours. That is because the internet is convenient and always available. If your business is not easily accessible online, the potential customer may never know you exist and might go to your competitor instead.
Requesting the assistance of a web designer who has experience designing and building websites can vastly increase the reach and professionalism of your business. They know exactly what you need for your business, and the best way to achieve it. A good professional web designer will not only be able to create the website for you, but they will also be able to provide you with training to use the website properly and how to make changes moving forward. Find a company that you can communicate well with and who understands you, your business and your ethos.
I love helping small businesses develop a presence online. Get in touch if you’d like to find out more about developing a new website or improving an existing one. You can also get an instant quote with my new website estimator.